Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st

Holy mackerel, it's July 1st! Where in the world did June go? Did it pass during the rain storms, the winds, or just in the endless routine of work, eat, sleep, repeat?
The first cutting of hay is starting in the high mountain fields. Beautiful geometrics out of hay, grass and straw. Unintended patterns to capture and ponder over. Which came first, kind of stuff, as it where.
A day so far only consumed by cleaning, painting and patching. Odd, though, as I have been looking at some of the missing bits of trim for so long now that after I finally installed them, I don't see and difference. Hmmm. Did I really have to install that last piece of fill on the cabinets or patch that bit of drywall that was banged up taking out and then reinstalling the countertops if I stopped noticing?
The cut and baled hay is something substantial, tangible and real. It's why I like framing houses, buildings and such. At the end of the work day I could step back and look at what I had done, what I had built, what I had accomplished that particular day.
Some days at my present work all I bring forth is a large pile of paper or large digital file documenting humankind's folly and inhumanity. And I've been looking at those things for so long they have started to fall into the same category as that missing piece of trim. I no longer notice. It's the same, just different characters is all.
Oh, well, maybe I'll go touch up some nicks and dings in the paint.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should go outside with your camera some more instead. :-)
